EU funded projects

Through this project, UAB “Terekas” plans to implement equipment that will enable the company to use energy more efficiently and reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 30% in technological processes. This will lower the amount of GHG emissions in the technological process. In doing so, the project will contribute to Lithuania’s overall impact on climate change, promote clean and fair energy, foster a circular economy, support climate change adaptation, and help prevent and manage the risks of extreme climate events, addressing air pollution and resource efficiency issues.
The project’s source of funding is co-financed by the European Union.
The total value of the project is €556,617.88 with EU funding amounting to €306,139.83.
The project implementation period is from September 11, 2024, to November 11, 2025.
Project implementer:
UAB “TEREKAS” Phone: +370 445 51431

Expansion into Export Markets by Participating in Exhibitions and Product Certification

UAB “Terekas” will focus on developing the necessary employee skills to adapt to technological changes in the economy and industrial transformation. To address the challenges and issues arising in the field of research, experimental development, and innovation (smart specialization), special attention will be given to the development and improvement of digital skills.
The project’s source of funding is co-financed by the European Union.
The total value of the project is €149,244.88 with EU funding amounting to €91,506.02
The project implementation period is from August 8, 2024, to August 8, 2025.
Project implementer: UAB “TEREKAS” Phone: +370 445 51431

From July 4, 2024, to January 4, 2026, UAB “Terekas” is implementing the project “CREATION OF INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS” (project code 02-019-K-0128), co-financed under the economic transformation and competitiveness development program of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania, within the 2022-2030 development program.
The planned project involves solving scientific/technological uncertainties, using the resulting knowledge to implement a new production technology and create prototypes of two new products. The products developed will be new globally and patentable – the solution is expected to be patented at the European level.
As a result of the project, the products created will enable UAB “Terekas” to expand its product range, increase the company’s competitiveness in international markets, and significantly boost sales revenue.
Project objective: through R&D activities, to develop PET container production equipment designed to produce packaging from preforms containing 100% rPET, and equipment capable of producing up to 6-liter volume packaging from preforms containing 100% rPET.
The total project value is EUR 1,608,630, of which EUR 804,315 will be funded by the EU.
Source of project funding: Co-financed by the European Union.

From October 2023 to September 2025, UAB Terekas is implementing the project “UAB Terekas Investments in a Photovoltaic Solar Power Plant” (project code 02-011-K-0196) co-financed under the 2022-2030 development program by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania. The program is part of the economic transformation and competitiveness development initiative, specifically under measure No. 05-001-01-04-02 “Encouraging Companies to Transition to a Climate-Neutral Economy” and activity “Promoting the Use of Renewable Energy Resources in Industrial Enterprises (Central and Western Lithuania Region).”
The project will see the installation of a 500 kW solar power plant, which will generate 450,000 MWh of electricity annually. This will meet 16% of the company’s electricity needs, helping to reduce energy costs and contributing to efforts to mitigate climate change, reduce air pollution, and promote the efficient use of resources.
The total project value is €402,000.00, of which €200,002.82 will be funded by the European Union.

The company has launched the project “Terekas Investments in Export Development” (project code 03.2.1-LVPA-K-801-05-0176), which is partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund. In order to ensure the company’s development, particular attention is paid to the growth of sales of products in foreign countries. The main way of searching for new markets and attracting foreign customers is the participation in international exhibitions abroad.
The aim of the project is to participate in 8 foreign international specialised food equipment and packaging exhibitions in the USA, UK, Germany, and France. The project activities will start on 26-02-2019 and ends on 10-05-2023.

Terekas UAB, together with its partner Ekspla UAB is carrying out the project “Innovative Product Development” (project code No. 13.1.1-LVPA-K-856-01-0037), which is partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
2014-2020 European Union funds investment action program of priority 1 “Promotion of scientific research, experimental development and innovation” measure no. 01.2.1-LVPA-K-856 “Experiment. The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund as a means of EU response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The project aims to increase the company’s competitiveness in international markets by developing 4 new products. The project will involve R&D activities to address scientific/technological uncertainties and to find new knowledge for the development of new products.
Funded as part of the European Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The project ended on 30 November 2022.

Terekas UAB is carrying out the project “Prototyping of innovative technology and equipment” (project code No. 13.1.1-LVPA-T-858-01-0007), which is partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
The project will develop, through R&D activities, a new production technology at a market scale and, as a result, a prototype device with new qualitative characteristics for the production of a PET shell for the manufacture of protective suits, which are both a mandatory component of the COVID-19 lung ventilation suits for patients, and a mandatory component of the anti-virus protective suits for medical staff.
Funded as part of the European Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The end of the project activities is 31-03-2022.

The company is carrying out the project “Terekas UAB investments in the development of machinery production” (project code No 03.3.1-LVPA-K-803-02-0008), which is partly financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
The project started in October 2017 and will be completed in October 2020, with eligible costs of EUR 4 106 823,80, of which EUR 1 353 198,44 are eligible for financing.
The project will involve the construction of a new production building and the acquisition of new innovative, modern production equipment, which will be used to start the serial production of PET container moulding machines. The project will allow the company to expand its production and sales volumes, which will enable a significant increase in added value and labour productivity. Physical continuity will be ensured by the new jobs created to work with the new equipment, while continuity of performance will be ensured by the continued active search for foreign markets for the products produced.

The project aims at introducing information technology to manage business transactions electronically in order to increase revenue growth. A full service self-service system will be implemented, integrated with other enterprise resource systems, which will allow the ordering of the company’s products and services, with the whole process being carried out in the self-service system (online). The project budget is EUR 60 672,00, and the funding intensity is 75 %. The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund as the European response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Project start date: 29-03-2022. Project end date: 29-03-2023.